Name: Nathan Jeffries
Tutor/s: Mel Brown / Phil Trenerry
Date: 7th March 2013
Project Titles
Project 1: Greetings/Correspondence Cards with English Idioms
Project 2: Portfolio Material
Project 1
I intend to produce a range of 30 greetings cards using the theme of Idioms; along side this I will create an envelope according to each design. These will not come as a package, just as singular cards with the appropriate envelope. There will be no message inside as the idioms can be interpreted personally, and leaving space to write.
To complement this I will also be creating a range of 3 accordingly packaged note-cards. Each pack will contain 10 note-cards that vary of five designs giving two of each design in one pack. These will be smaller than the greetings cards and will also contain envelopes to match.
My intentions are to keep the style of the previous greeting card range to some extent. For example, I will keep the style of imagery with the water wash and digital input, however I would hope to remove the coloured bases and plan not to include one within this new range idea. I will keep the style of the hand stamp used when creating text, as this was also a strong point of the previous project. I may include coloured lines to the image instead of the black ones used previous as this will inject a bit of life into the designs but suiting the idiom, for example ‘Soldier On’ would have an army green theme, ‘All Shipshape’ would be sea blue, etc.
· Audience: The general public
· Relevance and Purpose: something that will be relevant to my practice as a freelance illustrator post graduation.
Project 2
I intend to produce 4-6 high quality images that will be featured within my summer show portfolio. These images will hopefully show a new level of depth within my work and yet tie in with previous pieces, boosting interest.
These images will be based around the theme of Steam Stacks and vehicles that feature them. The idea is that these pieces can be used at a later date and potentially be transformed into poster works or self promotional pieces.
· Theme: Portfolio Material
· Genre: Digital Print Media
· Relevance and Purpose: To create a deeper body of work that relates to previous work and yet shows development.
Timetable of Objectives:
· This should be a breakdown of your design process and could include everything from research, ideas generation, practical experiments, character designs, storyboards/roughs/dummy books, resource bookings, production and reproduction processes etc.
Week Starting:
Specific Weekly
25th Feb
Research all possible idioms
4th Mar
Research all possible steam
stack featuring vehicles
11th Mar
Under take extensive drawing process of idioms
18th Mar
Undertake extensive drawing of Steam Stack vehicles
25th Mar
Carry on with processes previous
1st Apr
Research self-promotional strategies
8th Apr
Digitalise idiom results
15th Apr
Digitalise steam stack results
22nd Apr
Relevant self-promotional work
29th Apr
Compile Idiom cards/envelopes
6th May
Finalise steam stack portfolio
13th May
Create idiom note cards
20th May
Self-promotional strategies
27th May
WED 29th
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