Sunday 26 May 2013

Conclusive Statement

The steam stack project has definitely been a positive one. I am very pleased with the outcomes and think that they will suit my portfolio greatly. Having not done anything specific for my portfolio for a while it has been nice to focus on something that I would like to produce because of the fact I think it will work well in context.
I feel that having produced these pieces of work that they have helped me reach a new level in my practice and a fresh way of building upon my direction of image making.

Because this project has included new ways of image making for me it has sparked enthusiasm and excitement and as a result helped produce productivity, especially once knowing how my images would turn out; I think that overlaying the watered ink was completely the best thing I could have done!

However, I think that I could definitely build upon what I have here, and if there were more time I would have pursued a Steam Liner image to complement the Paddle Steamer. I may well have also thought about applying these pieces to event posters as I think that they would be perfect for an indie music event, just like Methane Studios pioneer. I would have also thought about sending them off to Old Glory steam and vintage preservation magazine with the possibility of some artistry work from new clients as an outcome.

With this work and style I now have a grip of, I can think about producing work in this fashion for the local area of where I will be living to sell in farm shops. It would be great to see a series of vintage tractors, or farm animals done in this style, exciting prospects indeed.

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