Saturday 11 May 2013

Steam Roller

Steam Rollers were the next obvious vehicle to drift towards from the traction engine and again a definitive part of the English heritage. i was a little stuck as to what can represent the steam roller in the background of the image but from my research below i have come to the conclusion that a living/works van would be best suited in this case. My thoughts about bunting for continuity were challenged with this piece, but i think that having the rope flailing from the corner of the living van reflects the usage of the steam roller; a tool doing a job that essentially would never have been overly clean and tidy.
From my research below i have once more captured the important bits from the engine which this time don't differ to far from the traction engine including the rolls, steam stack, and a smaller roof. And once again, a helpful image from In and Around Blandford:

The Living Van:

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