Wednesday 8 May 2013

Steam Punk

In my opinion the art of Steam Punk comes across as very conceptual based artwork evolved from the depths of fantasy art and science fiction works. It’s very captivating because each piece is full of mechanical detail showing an inkling of underlying elaborate charm.

'The Steampunk style has been a part of fantasy and science fiction artwork and literature for a few years now. Some proponents insist on keeping it entirely science-based, while others like to throw in healthy doses of fantasy. The question they all seem to be asking, though, is "what if X ran on steam?" X can be anything from computers to cars to personal jetpacks. Working prototypes of steampunk-esque machines have even been made (and used). It’s an entire subculture, defined by a propensity toward Victorian aesthetics, practicality, and steam-powered anything.' 

This is what Steam Punk looks like (all images have been chosen appropriately according to my project):

'30th' by Voxmortem

'Noah's Ark' by Loboto

'Airship Pilot' by Humarousrex 

'Airship' by The One Without A Gun

'Concept' by Lebbeus

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