Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Theme and Inspiration

The reason i have chosen to focus on the theme of steam stacks is due to an experience in church just before Christmas 2012. A friend was praying for/over me and this is part of what was stated:
Nathan, I've got a picture of a steam ship, a steam ship that leaves long trails of steam- inviting people to follow.
Subsequently this has inspired me to pursue a drawing path based around the theme of steam and the desire to know what particular part of a ship, for example, the steam comes from. It turns out that its called the steam stack that the steam rises from. Therefore i am basing this project on Steam Stacks and the vehicles that feature one. These will be portfolio pieces and will intentionally encompass the previous styles of the greetings cards and hopefully something that shows development from this process too.

We'll see where it leads...

Here are some initial sketches and thought processes:

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